
@mrDaveKrumholtz… now pretending to be Udo Kier

Lane's expressions were priceless. "Who moved the rock?"

I got the biggest kick out of Harriet Sansom Harris as BeBe in Frasier. God she was awesome.

Joan Cusack made that movie.

Numb3rs Columbo should never actually complete an equation, though. He should just stop, squint, and rattle off some inane non sequiter.

a really enjoyable film IMO. Loved the dialog all around. Zero wasted roles.


even better, Comic Sans or Papyrus

"To Battleworld, and beyond!"

"Battleworld"? Really?


Also; bright, glossy white interior of Enterprise bridge. Really? Wonder how well that would work in real life…

This group has got to be the best set of comment posters anywhere.

Arg!  I should have read this far before posting.

Methinks Card doth protest TOO much.