Muscadine Wine

could this role explain Affleck’s back tattoo?

they have gotten better with that one and and light years better with x-ray contrast drinks now

always try to schedule the earliest appointment whether procedure, doctors appointment, hell even blood drawing. Never underestimate a medical facility’s ability to get behind schedule after the first round of patients show up.

Went to the second one in New Orleans, one day event then

reality is practically indistinguishable from satire these days 

The Onion explained that 18 years ago

no you were right the first time

that’s my cousin’s kid to a tee. She watches “jack” (her name for TNBC) nearly daily

I hate Honda’s advertising but loved my Accord and now my Fit

to be honest the new Verizon guy is pretty annoying too

worst part of Liberty Mutual commercials is they imply that they are the only ones that have new car replacement insurance, then acting like some 20 something is gonna spring for new care replacement

its a place that lets 16 year olds drink, but thats not inportant right now

Madness had at minimum 4 songs that were popular on Mtv

always loved ”Roi” and “No Aloha”

medicare premiums are the only checks I write anymore

that his company shares a name with one largest manufactures of toilets, should have been a clue

he’s fine with minorities, as long as their on the cleaning staff

he’s definitely elitist, probably believes some Eugenic stuff too

I think the operative word here is “crock”

what does the bull have against French statuary?