Muscadine Wine

watch the original British series - much better in my never to be humble opinion

hell the British series did the whole thing in about the length of season one of the American version

ooh “unchained” is my favouritest VH song, Thanks!

going on a vacation that goes awry is my second most annoying Star Trek cliche, holodeck goes awry is the first

Tahanis’ fainting couch bit had me laughing out loud

at least we didn’t elect a porn star to a high government office

Stampeding Cattle

Does NYC marry a city half its age?

sure Bloody Mary is real, they serve a nice one in my neighborhood bar

You need every minute of a car journey, how else will you know how the character arrived at the new location - also the parking of said cars must be shown. -practically in every MST3K or Rifftrax commentary of a bad movie set in the modern era

I’ve only seen the pilot but the tech looked more “Mass Effect” than Star Trek, especially the EVA suit.

“Of course, being French means you automatically go to the Bad Place” -Michael

he need someone like Odenkirk to curb his worst tendencies

the answer is in your first sentence comedy = 22 minutes, drama = 42 minutes

As an ex-Navy man, I enjoy how the Orville crew acts like an actual small ship crew. also the tech seems more plausible than most Sci-Fi

better than meth teeth by far

funny thing is networks don’t need or have Licensing but the affiliates do so he have suspend every one of NBC’s affiliate’s licenses. not that he has that power or authority to do that

me too, and I kept expecting his quotes to end with “... Matt Damon”

there were armed bands of men too old or infirm to join the the confederate army whose job was to keep local populations in line with the Confederate aims and to root out Union sympathizers and spies. they also were on the lookout for confederate army deserters.

Maximum Overdrive is a perfectly cromulent ‘80s action/horror flick