Muscadine Wine

worse is Winn Dixie

Devo used click tracks to sync their music to the video projection at their performances, but Devo was always visuals first - song second anyway

Never go full retard, you'll go home empty handed

Concrete Blonde would be cooler

starting the Torment sequel, hope it doesn't disappoint too much

in Louisiana we have a fried batter side dish called "hushpuppies" so that is doable

dunno what Bojangles is, but Popeyes = Churchs - they have very different takes on fried chicken, it depends what your in the mood for. and all the comedians in world cant make kfc palatable

I remember one of the MP disks was defective, (made the drive spin up like jet engine) could not finish the game

lot of games where like that Planescape Torment was on 4 cds, the Monty Python game had a bunch. still have nightmares about "please insert CD #4"
then waiting for 5 minutes as the disk spun up and was accessed

Chunk Beefsteak

50 shades of Momento

Momento 50 years later

Nationwide and Subaru have the least effective campaigns for me
like cmon your pissed you didn't spring for the extra insurance and now the company wont pay and cars are machines they cant love you back

wow I always thought something was off about Joe E, but sheesh

ooo American Spirit should totally be selling cannabis cigarettes

Shaq actually has his cars customized to fit him


good thing, movie length would waaay too long

Meh the best part of Documentary Now is when Helen Mirren says the ridiculously high season number with a straight face

would he prefer a coal fired power plant? I don't get that