Muscadine Wine

disables Japanese armored units with only his trusty saw blade and stick of lumber

We kinda like that one guy that was on Roseanne?

And clouds, Boy those clouds have it coming!

Baby's Day Out 2: President Baby's Wild Adventure


that the basic cajun/south Louisiana diet I grew up on .. pork, chicken, lots of seafood, lots of vegetables to extend the dish.

Pentagon .. Pentagram?!! dude, mind blown

Hmm if it was Dylan maybe he could operate in that bondage suit from the first season of American Horror Story, I bet he still has it.

my step-dad said it best about House, "its the best stupid show on TV"

when the promos for the show make it abundantly clear how annoying he is, not surprising

you would think that after killing hundreds of raiders they would run instead attacking you with their pipe guns and leather armor.

Hollycgrayson3 greatly underestimates the cost of a Rover, Ranged or Land-bound.

Son of Dracula (1943) features Count Alucard played by Lenny Smalls… oops, I mean Lon Chaney

and those where in the seasons after they stopped showing Commander Cody shorts, so even better

yeah, that turned out to be a case of a mentally disturbed psychiatrist planting false memories in young patients using hypnosis

basically only non-breakfast menu I eat is mcnuggets and that's maybe once a year

I never had one, they just don't look and sound appealing, ate plenty of quarter-pounders as a teen though, I like my burgers simple

no way, pineapple does not belong on a burger

really, that triple bypass surgery by 45 isn't gonna happen on its own

30-something versions of the original, at least half of Sci-Fi anime, cyberpunk… Do we really need a sequel at his point?