
i dont hate it.... but i do wonder how not smoking weed suddenly turned her into a hippy..... i call shenanigans

It must be so fucking nice to try on blackness and elements of black culture, then throw it all out like last year’s Halloween duds after you’ve had your fun and call it evolving.

Yeah, being around all of those black people and insisting that they make her “sound black” must have been really gross for her.

Shes clearly still there.

Still in yours eh?

Seriously. She wants to appeal to Trump supporters because she has the same idea: that Black people are expendable and not worth very much when she can’t keep profiting off of them.

yes, really. i think its weird that jezebel seems unable to have nuanced convos on sexism when it comes to the women around trump.

Congratulations, grads. You managed to take one of the more boring experiences of life (sitting and listening to people dispense mindless platitudes about life) and turn it into an exciting event filled with drama and tension. And you got to make Betsy DeVos appear deeply uncomfortable. You kids are awesome, and


I mean. Did you miss the W years?

Consider yourself fortunate. Many people cannot pay their way through life with straight up cash.

It’s a good thing Rubio has that tax payer funded congressional healthcare, because his spinelessness is a pre-existing condition.

More and more this whole nightmare is looking like a really bad production of The Wizard of Oz - except worse - because we’re living it.

Every fucking time about every fucking issue... unless its their family or friends, they just dont care. To the GOP, empathy is a foreign concept - and its all too clear what they think of foreigners.

Same old story: Selfish, Republican shithead winds up in a situation where they have to actually use the social benefits which they have heretofore spent so much time and effort railing against. Lightbulb turns on over their head and they realize the value of social programs. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Not just to die. To die a horrible, disoriented, agonisingly painful, slow death.

Thank you for continuing to fill the void of Gawker’s loss. And a big middle-finger to everybody who jumps into the comments to complain about it.

You can be honest too. Just say “Hey guys, I’m dumb. I have an opinion and its not worthwhile but here it is anyway.”

I’m guessing not too many of the dopes who paid for this festival are going to really have problems with the rent next month. Mom’s check will clear just fine.

Ugh! I get lectured by coworkers about how I should travel more and the privilege and condescension drives me insane. Like hey, would love to. My husband has been unemployed for a year. I live in the most expensive real estate market in the US. I am in debt from taking care of an unemployed ex on entry level income in