
The pedal market is so oversaturated these days, no REAL musician would buy a pedal based on an ad. Even a shitty one with a boob.

I wonder how much landfill space is disturbed yearly when the latest fad eventually finds it way there.

I wonder how much landfill space is disturbed yearly when the latest fad eventually finds it way there.

Opinions are a funny thing: they only make sense to the one making it. #syanadamsisahack

The 3 Most Punchable People: Nazis, Women beaters and Dog Breeders


Can’t make a white bread sandwich with one slice.

Oh Ryan, get back to your tour bus full of cats and arcade games or whatever the fuck grown-ass men with once promising careers has.

In the 90's/00's lol


...almost every woman introduced in the series exists as a potential sexual/romantic partner.

It was frustrating because Francesca’s month-long NYC stay is what we call “mixed signals”. Sure, she comes from a different culture, but leading someone on is pretty obvious.

If an “Art Instsitue portfolio”-worthy patch is the hill you wanna die on, you clearly aren’t ready to pick up the mantle of “Feminism”.

TFW you realize how many white people will buy your records now.

“It got so bad that the university president grabbed the microphone and threatened students that if they didn’t calm down, the ceremony would be canceled. They did not calm down.”

Substitute *manufactured for *created. See edit.

TBH, that bar is set pretty low these days.

Since when does the women-hating majority of this country care about history?


I’m not trying to race bait but is sending a card for Mother’s Day (or any specific Holiday ex: Halloween/Valentines/4th of July) a white thing? My Mexican mother/grandmother would slap the shit out of me if I sent a card in the mail for Mother’s Day.

This is pretty much standard for every Republican POTUS since Reagan