
If we as a country are going to have a serious and frank discussion about the American immigration policy, then it’s high time that we admit one simple truth:

I guess Elon Musk must’ve pissed off Peter Thiel, too, huh?

At first I thought you meant Carols Channing and Coco came in together, and my mind is spinning imagining that pairing.

Just wait. Somehow this will be Huma’s fault. “Why hasn’t she taken her son and left?” “A good mother would have left the campaign trail and come home.” “Benghazi!”

Each of these photos is hilarious if you replace the last noun in their inane commentary with “cocaine”:

I’m far more concerned with whatever is happening to her poor breasts in that dress. Ow.

@Mike Birbiglia

shes gonna get breast cancer wearin that top.