small hands
small hands
Tom Friedman is going to talk to Trump one time, and be like, “we had him all wrong!”
the department doesn’t allow fear-based or so-called “warrior” trainings internally, but that even off-duty trainings become “muscle memory” for officers on the job
this should be his campaign song:
he’s raggin’ on your cord!
I want Stephen Miller to be in front of a committee because you just know he would not be able to handle it and would definitely create some hilarious moments. Do it for the memes, Stephen!
the possibility that Trump toadies could face actual jail time for stonewalling Congress could set a powerful precedent for future investigations, and might be the only way to extract any meaningful cooperation.
Just cancel the whole damn thing. Adversarial journalism needs to our mainstream journalism.
John Cornyn is a proud lackey to McConnell and Trump; I cannot wait to vote against him. On that Twitter account, they are already attempting to tie her to Beto, domain squatting, and using all the classic GOP attack buzzwords:
The WHCD is terrible; journalists and politicians shouldn’t be friends.
Pete Buttigieg reminds me of Kang/Kodos from that Treehouse of Horror where they take over Clinton/Dole: “The politics of failure have failed! We need to make them work again!”
gotta love the snake around his neck, you know, for the ladies.
I'd be happy with her or Bernie winning the primary. Both show they have actual plans for making a difference. And the rich don't like them, which is a positive.
fuck off, fascist.
if you have to completely change something to make it offensive, was it all that offensive to begin with?
I teach English at a public high school; I’d put money on some of my students being better at bullshitting than Barr will be.
could you use regulations to move any sort of private insurance to a non-profit entity?
How is she in the news this much? You don’t even see McConnell in public this much and he’s just as, if not more, powerful.
“we can’t have oversight in an oversight committee!” –Jim Jordan, probbaly