Texas Nomad

Incredibly angry, thanks for asking!

These useless chucklefucks. Just look at this smarmy little dipshit.

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

You mean he didn’t understand how a democracy works, surprise surprise. One person doesn’t control everything in the US, not even the president.

This is insulting to children and babies.

McCourty said he believed attending the event is a personal choice and “I can’t imagine a way I go there.”

I think you maybe missed the point of her op-ed which was, succinctly, that she has chosen to embrace an ignorant, self-obsessed charlatan of a political figure because someone threw an egg at her once.

It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

And now, a joke. A Utah farmer dies and goes to heaven, where he is turned away for his sinful life and sent to hell. The Devil greets the farmer in hell “Welcome you sinful bastard, to hell! As punishment, you shall now work this barren patch of land for all of eternity in the blazing heat!” The devil then leaves the

Rich idiots sons that got everything from daddy are the bane of our sports teams and now our country.

“Every lawyer in the entire universe says that the only trust that is viable is the one the President can’t show the documentation on. I don’t see how saying the Jazz trust is a responsible trust is anything but a sad attempt at fake news by the bitter leftwing that controls Utah.” - Sean Spicer

The Miller family also dumps millions into the Tour of Utah bike race every year. They seem like the exceeding rare sports owners who believe the team to be a community trust.

It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

We’re done here.

Sent to me by Sean Spicer.

On a serious note, the more sports people who talk about Spicer and the administration’s lying (let’s call it what it is, lamestream media), the less it can be ignored and explained away by Trump’s base.

“There were no ‘Where is Roger’ chants during the Steelers dominating victory last night, period.” #SpicerFacts

My late grandparents survived the Holocaust, so the fact that stories like this are still happening today is surreal if not entirely surprising. But I must admit I find the handwringing over whether or not it’s OK to punch Nazis to be kinda sickening. Dude believes that all non-whites should be removed from America in

Welcome aboard. If this past election as taught us anything, it’s that the world needs more truth and education on these matters.

Or they are doing their jobs speaking for their constituents? 

tim kaine, al franken, murphy, bernie, bennet, elizabeth warren...