Texas Native

In a not so surprising twist, it’s his cousin.  Or so I’ve heard.

Isn’t that on another network?  I don’t think it shows on ABC.

Or just ask Tom McParland.  That’s exactly what he does.

Damn you remember that?  We’re old buddy.

Ha! That’s my wife and her whole family.  Me, if I need to go I go.

Not here in SATX. Sadly you can’t throw a rock without hitting a teenage mom.

At least CFA is affordable, unlike the overpriced and overrated stuff at Shake Shack.

  • Should we mutilate men who can’t keep it in their pants?

Sadly now-a-days, even though it’s supremely easy to *not* get pregnant, ladies still do.  Abortions are so unnecessary in so many cases.  Parents need to do a better job of instilling responsibility in their young men so that women aren’t afraid to say “wrap it up” before having sex.

Pastor Ellis looks and sounds like how I imagine Martin Lawrence would do a parody of a pastor.

Oh dang they moved from Eastern time zone to Central now and they’re still late :p

No such thing as an ugly dog!  Even the “ugly” contest winners are adorable!

No, no.  That’s fixing health care by attrition.

lol like he actually has a normal “mental state”

Don’t be that gaslighting guy, it’s not a good look

I wish the politicians were as up in arms about kids in schools and people in movie theaters being shot by white American males with military assault rifles as they are about a single white woman being killed by a non-resident person. Either way they are all horrible situations, and I don’t wish that kind of loss of

No, no it’s not part of every single highway on-ramp.  You must not have ever driven here in SATX.  And even if there was one, it would just give the other driver a reason to be an ass and try and beat you to the sign so they don’t have to yield for you.

Woah...slow down there!

I’m willing to bet none of the “Sharks” would bite on investing in any of these startups.

Even his friend was like man - she’s 10 or 11 and he was all - she doesn’t look 10 or 11