Texas Native

Hey bud, we were all young 20-something hot heads at one point. At least we grew up, others didn’t and thought Trump 4 Prez was a good idea.

That cover photo is dying for a caption, something like “Ewww what’s that trail he’s leaving?”

Ahem. How big *they think* their penis should be. FTFY :)

I’m Mexican-American with somewhat brown skin. Funny how all the white folks get out during the summer to try and get my skin color.

Calling them adults is giving them too much credit!

This is a great middle of the road, rational response. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Or by their politicians calling the Obama’s any variation of ‘monkey’. I never hear any conservatives condemning people for that.

Or replace her with Melissa McCarthy like they replaced Becky.

I know you posted this before the “Update”, but read it and tell me what you think now. This woman is going to get a lot of hate because she’s undermining the justice everyone else is fighting for.

I only ask because I’ve already had 2 3-way CREE bulbs burn out after less than 2 years use each.

Just out of curiosity, would you consider CREE to be a “name brand” bulb?

I thought McDonald’s was a majority share-holder?

Sadly they probably didn’t want to be blacklisted in their medical community.

Oh man, let’s not get started on the whole “water is wet” thing.

The Ikea bed!

Damn...can’t believe we made international news with that. At least it wasn’t a fuck-up of Florida proportions.

“Mocks” works too.

White people hysteria seems to be nothing more than angst over the sins of their ancestors bubbling up to the surface.