Texas Native

You must have missed all the stories like this one:

I know people like to rip on Texas, but most people here don’t. Still proves your theory that it’s a few that own many guns.

Umm, don’t forget his tough El Chapo grandstanding.

Trump is Catholic

What if that driver is alone, knocked out cold, and the phone has a PIN/password only lock and 1st Responders can’t access it?

Creative editing. That’s probably all it was. So in essence, it’s NBC’s fault for making him look better than he was.

Because “famous”. Heck, when I used to watch The Apprentice I used to think he would make a great POTUS. Now, knowing what we all know...

I think he means *would definitely do it in a private space with no security*

2015 model Moto X Pure FTW!

Never had a melt-down with my kids because they knew better than to fuck with dad. First there’s just no, then there’s the stare + NO.

I am from SATX, I’m Native American / Mexican / Texan, and something about this guy just doesn’t sit well with me. He will *not* get my vote just because his abuelita thinks he’s such a good boy.

I am from SATX, I’m Native American / Mexican / Texan, and something about this guy just doesn’t sit well with me. He will *not* get my vote just because his abuelita thinks he’s such a good boy.

So it’s ok to teach kids to indiscriminately kill rabbits? Got it - thanks for clearing that up.

Or maybe they’re just thinking the name sounds like “morals”? Try asking instead of coming off like an ass right away, unless you’re a Troll in which case you’re going to carry on anyway.

Grapevine is around the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex area. It’s a nice area, and more expensive than normal by Texas standards.

Fracking Autozone.

Not surprised with the Marion PD, that city (pop. around 1100) lies outside our major city of SATX, but it’s in a rural area (i.e. mostly white).

Unfortunately for Mr. Wilson, he got called out a few times for having homophobic and misogynistic tweets. I read pretty far down the thread, and it ain’t pretty.

Fuck. You. I bet we can trace your family to immigrants. how about *you* get the hell out of my country?

If you’re looking for a brand name with more recognition, Best Buy has good prices on Toshiba brand TV’s, and you’ll probably find a good deal given that it’s Big Game Weekend.

If you’re looking for a brand name with more recognition, Best Buy has good prices on Toshiba brand TV’s, and you’ll