“This fucking guy” pretty much sums up my feelings for 2017.
“This fucking guy” pretty much sums up my feelings for 2017.
Weird that they would employ so many underage workers, especially in an environment where they might be exposed to “nudity, sexual scenarios, racial epithets, suggestive gestures, profanity and references to stereotypes.”
And you can feel free to correct those writing said legislation, that is fine. But here I think it’s an unnecessary thing to point out.
Look, even Sean Hannity called it a fucking clip. Nobody gives a shit about you donning your Captain Pedantic cape when people are dying and at least someone (including the fucking NRA of all groups) is down to try something to fix the issue at hand.
Because there is no such thing as “opportunities for file for citizenship” or “put [money] for permanent residence.”
Because once you’re here illegally, you cannot just apply for permanent residency. If you want a residency permit, you need to apply for it from outside the United States, and you need to prove that you have a reason to be here, such as a job or a family member who is a legal resident; that family member must be…
Yeah, I’m going with staged. Whose first thought would be their Busch Light? Of course, if you’re dumb enough to skateboard your disabled CRX, it seems likely your Busch Light could be your immediate concern.
Jesus Tapdancing Christ! The women who write the show these fuckheads love so much are getting harassed & doxxed for writing the show these fuckheads love so much. That is android head-exploding levels of irrationality.
Go up to man with stick. Claim you’re scared of stick. Kill man. Enjoy paid vacation. Claim murdered man was “no angel”. Collect extra overtime quelling the protests after you’re cleared of any wrong doing.
“Homeless guy walks up to my car, yells at me and says insulting things.”
She’s probably dating a Hotep.
Driver went full mustang. You never go full mustang.
If you can stomach re-living it, it’s really worth checking out Vice’s Charlottesville documentary. [Vice]
I’m actually less worried about guns than bats, pepper spray, etc. People who protest with guns seem to understand the consequences of their actions. People who protest with bats/sticks/bike locks seem to think this is a Stanley Kubrick film.
How do we know youre here legally? Provide verification of your identify and address so we know who you are.
Please present literally any proof for what you just said.
Cite evidence please, and Breitbart doesn’t count.
Please present proof that “plenty of illegal aliens voted.”
Miata illegally passes over a double yellow on blind turns and almost causes a head on collision? Maybe that’s what was wrong with it? I dunno though, I’m just a human being with eyes.