Keeping your pet hamburgers in jars is unspeakably cruel, Morgan Spuckluck, you are a bad man.
Keeping your pet hamburgers in jars is unspeakably cruel, Morgan Spuckluck, you are a bad man.
At this point, it's pretty obvious people who text and drive are the spawn of a very technologically-savvy Satan.…
Drop everything: LeVar Burton wants to resurrect Reading Rainbow, and he wants it as universally available as…
Excuse me, good madam and/or sir, but you cannot tell me that the industry that came up with such evocative, stellar titles as "Schindler's Fist" and "Charlie's Anals" is anything but the pinnacle of marketing excellence.
Haha fuck you cokeheads STONERS FOREVER
On Sept. 15, 1986, a newborn baby barely hours old was found in the bathroom of a Burger King in Allentown,…
Definitely isn't fake. I know the person who wrote this.
Not to be dramatic, but this has been the sort of winter that made much of America want to unzip its Old Navy…
I couldn't use Facebook without FBPurity. I tried Social Fixer, but didn't find it as useful. FBPurity is definitely worth a try as an alternative. It is available as a Greasemonkey script or extensions for FF or Chrome, and the author keeps up with FB changes. No connection, just a really satisfied user - it's free…