
Ohhh, RS7 or S7 are both good suggestions. All the benefits of the Panamera, PLUS you can look at it! (coming from someone who almost bought a Panamera last year. HINT: the butt is ugly, but it's sooo, soo good to drive for a big sedan).

Right, I'm a Christian and find it funny as well. Too many people are overly-sensitive about what some mildly-famous auto journalist has to say about God, unions, sex, etc.

Don't forget 2010's "Now Top Gear's boy racers incur the wrath of Christians with Baby Stig in a manger stunt" ...though this was all of them and not exclusively Clarkson.

Same here Patrick, I read the ad, said to myself "if this is anywhere in TX, I'm buying it", and then saw Baltimore in the URL. Sad trombone.

Oh, TORCH made the quiz...now I know why this thing got 6-10%...all the body panels match and it has too much HP :)

As the driver said, summer tires weren't the problem.

That'll get you a fine here in Austin, TX...at least starting in 2015.

OMG! Is he texting and driving?? What a terrible example for our children! Ban the Bond! Sue the studio! Where's my pitchfork...

Yes, there three groups doing fairly affordable HPDE's at COTA, so you can go almost monthly if you want to. I've only mustered the cash and courage for one so far, but will be back soon! Video of one of my laps: http://texas-geek.kinja.com/e90m3-lap-arou…

I have done a scientific analysis of sticker horsepower increases. Here are my findings:

Best of luck with the new 944, enjoy TWS, an it sounds like you got some great advice here!

Thanks..and I'm guessing the photo of the alignment shows that it isn't straight enough (I need to learn how to read one of those).

Mr. Z06, your name implies you know something about this...and I'm trying to learn. Since the alignment seems in spec...how does this indicate major frame damage? Thanks if you have time to reply!

Oh yes....a boat-themed blog called "fendersout.jalopnik.com"

Great collection, I've been off in one of those corners myself!

Awesome, glad you got to experience the track. I'll be driving COTA on Saturday for the first time and am very much looking forward to it!

I'm just saying they can turn you into an asshole and make your life real difficult.

OK, I'm a Texan, I lean toward the Tea Party, am pretty conservative in general, and I have read this book...so my $0.02. This is an amazing book with some great writing and just very good overall. I've recommended it to many people...and I think the vast majority of upper-class high schoolers could do OK with it as

it developed right over the track, we were sitting in turn 1 and saw a dark cloud form over our heads. I pulled up radar on my phone and sure enough it went from almost clear to dark red in about 10 minutes right over the track. It was crazy to watch!

...and a video if you want some more :)