
The engines in these are removable, prone to making strange noises, and get VERY expensive at around 16-22 years after manufacture...but on the plus side run on chocolate milk when found in this chassis.

Why yes, I think it is...I blame the Dalek's!

From the end of the video, it looks like that countdown is how long he has been practicing to get under 10min.

No, they got the North American Director of Sales for SAAB in 1994, who was once in a sitcom, and will talk about the minutia of life.

Look at 2:41 on...he has rigged intake and exhaust tubes to be above the water line. Nice work!

WooHoo! CF roof available on the M3 Sedan. It won't dramatically impact lap times, but it's nice to have the option. I wonder if I can use a Sawzall to fit this to my E90 M3....CF=Fast, right? :)

Good book about the (fictional) life of an aspiring race driver, told from the perspective of the family dog. Good read!

Well, that's it for me. I've had the last few Forza's, but I'm making the move to PS4 because T10 and MS keep pissing me off, and I haven't even bought it yet! So far all I hear from F5 is: