
Which is why Lance and his people leave out “troubled women who claim to be men.” Cause they certainly wouldn’t be a threat to a big strong man like himself.

Where’s all the outrage over “troubled women who claim to be men?” Nah it’s cool if a (former) lady looks at our manly wee-wees. Long live the patriarchy!

Exactly! These idiots are operating on the assumption that rapists are law abiding citizens. Mind blowing, really.

No its perfectly fine to state your beliefs regardless of what they are. That doesn’t mean we have to respect them when they’re batshit crazy.

Damn it, Lance has given me so many good childhood memories and then he has to ruin it all with all this shit. Here’s to Bagwell and Biggio not saying dumb shit every other day.

And this is why he should’ve been sent home in last year’s game 7