
I’m in love!

Metaphorically, though...

Flash, a-ah, saviour of the universe
Flash, a-ah, he’ll save everyone of us
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Flash, a-ah, he’s a miracle
Flash, a-ah, king of the impossible

We shall name it:

Wait a sec... That’s a Zillow link! What if they hit us with a Cease and Desist letter?!?!

Unless the Hamster crashes into the place.

There’s a distressing lack of automobile accessories there. No pictures, posters, models on every shelf, etc...

I was there a few weeks ago for the SCCA Track Night and I saw a few of those homes. And I do mean few. About six. Although they did have amenities such as five car garages and a personal viewing area. Oh, to be rich beyond mortal caring...

I was there a few weeks ago for the SCCA Track Night and I saw a few of those homes. And I do mean few. About six. Although they did have amenities such as five car garages and a personal viewing area. Oh, to be rich beyond mortal caring...

Music helps, of course. But my kids know I have the Dad Rule of Long Trips: Every complaint gets another 10 minutes added to the trip. Which usually means I adhere to the speed limit.

Wish granted!

I shall send the Pun Police y’all’s way. With clubs...

Which sound?

This hit me right in the oversteer.


Dear advertising companies, unless you’re actually Porsche, please refrain from EVER using their cars in your own ad campaigns. You’re doing it wrong. Constantly.

Scoot over, Stef. I wish to curl up in a ball and cry, too.

That would just exacerbate the costs. Battery packs aren’t cheap.


That’s the same class of ridiculous payout we see at the Indy 500. Over $2 million for the winner and then watch the payout for the rest of the field drop off a cliff.