
I hereby nominate my late grandmother to handle all NASCAR fan complaints. When they’ve calmed down, apologized and sworn never to behave that stupidly ever again, they may have their testicles back...

Thank you for that excellent idea! From now on, anyone who raises a fuss about the pledge or the flag or anything else can be asked about their voting habits.

At least Sammy Hagar’s music career would get a boost...

There's going to be a sale on set pieces for the next Mad Max movie, I reckon.

This is depressing. I'm going to go listen to Steelers Wheel to cheer myself up.

Hmmm. Usually it's the other way around.

Great pictures all around. I enjoy the shots of the drivers in their gear.

Front! Unless kids use that particular bathroom. Then it's back so the little Indiana Jones impersonators won't leave unspooled toilet paper all over the floor.

What a nice way to spend my time after I took a lunch.

A minor quibble: that's the 2015 version of the R18. The new one is getting its turbo replaced. #cheapshot

“maybe I have more in common with Jeremy Clarkson than I previously thought.”

Mustangs try to kill others and Miatas try to kill their owners.

Mid-90s: My Dad was a mechanic for various Porsche/Audi dealerships. He'd find some interesting cars in need of major/minor work and ask me to buy them so he could fix them up and sell them off unless it was something one of us really wanted. A 1989 Porsche 911 Carrera. Manual and in need of engine work and a new

Stef, you’re clearly upset. Go have a burrito and relax.

So long as you have the insurance to cover all the folks you run over.

All that interior space and there wasn’t room for a Puffalump?!?

And I still want one!

Kittens and puppies will die if this thing goes into production. Won't Porsche think of the kittens and puppies?!?!

Pretty much...

Goddammit, 2016! Are you hell-bent on killing EVERYONE and EVERYTHING I care about!!!