I can’t with y’all. I just can’t with this performative bullshit. Yeah, some times the titles are so bad it’s not worth reading the article.
I can’t with y’all. I just can’t with this performative bullshit. Yeah, some times the titles are so bad it’s not worth reading the article.
This. I bet she already has another group going, with a far more, uh, “limited” membership.
But haven’t just as many progressives and activists been telling white people that racism is their problem to solve and that white allies have to work on other white people to make them how they’re a part of the problem, and to stop looking to POC to tell them what to do? But when white women tackle it head on and…
I agree, I think the writers here really want Trump to win, so they get another 4 years of “TOLD YA!! should’ve voted for Bernie!!” Like Bernie would have made everything magically better the second he was inaugurated.
You’re absolutely right. I honestly can’t comprehend the point of continuing to tear Biden down for every one of his minor fuck ups that mean NOTHING in the long run. The alternative is so unthinkable that like you said-it’s not worth the criticism.
Biden was not my first, second, third, fourth, or fifth choice to be the nominee but I am going to do every single thing in my power to make sure he is elected in November.
Still voting for him. Saying something ill-advised* and apologizing =/= saying racist shit and never apologizing, saying everyone else is wrong for thinking the racist shit was racist and then doubling and tripling down by saying it again and again.
When the news popped up on my iPhone last night that RBG was hospitalized (again) my first reaction was “Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit! Nonononononono NO!” Fortunately, it appears to be a relatively minor thing and (please sweet baby Jebus) she will be back on her feet soon. But I find it stressful enough going through…
Yeah , I don’t quite understand why people aren’t unified over the idea that Pretty Much Any Democrat is better than Pretty Much Any Republican at this point.
It’s fine for this election, but some day soon we have to get over this “BUT TRUMP” framework. Someday he’s not going to be here to kick around anymore.
(like that she “changed her story,” when she really didn’t)
I’m curious - how else is someone supposed to respond when accused of something they didn’t do, other than essentially call the accuser a liar? (words he did not use)
Oh good, another article attacking the Democratic candidate based on thirty year old, unconfirmed allegations. Might as well vote third party so Trump gets another four years. That’ll show those moderates.
You know damn well if black or brown protesters showed up at the capital building armed and yelling, there would have immediately been tear gas deployed and officers with itchy trigger fingers surrounding the scene.
I’m sorry, but are people seriously so dumb that they think “offers valid while supplies last; winners will be notified” = “everyone gets a dress?” The brand handled this poorly, but JFC people. I have never, ever seen that language used to mean everyone gets something for free.
I’m sorry, maybe I’m not reading the statement correctly and I don’t get that this is sarcasm, but this is just not true. Circumstantial evidence is still evidence.
You said above: “it was still disappointing to hear him say that in-person voting is totally safe.” Did he say that? No, he did not. You’re playing real fast and loose with words here, for a professional writer. He didn’t encourage people to go vote in person, he said it was possible to do it safely, and that it was…