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    You should still go see it so that it beats BvS in the domestic b.o.

    Theres a distinct possibility that Batgirl will come out before Captain Marvel so DC will be 2x0 against Marvel on that

    Im happy. I've watched the movie twice And its even better the Second time around. Tomorrow I'll watch It for the third time, something Ive only done for Spiderman 2 (still my favorite CBM that doesnt have Chris Reeves in It) and Star Wars 7.

    No Laura Dern though

    Transformers will make more "opening weekend" because it opened on wednesday, but there is a possibility ww will make more in the three-day-weekend.

    Thats the very best thing about it!!!!

    Lucy is bonkers in the best of ways

    In the deadline report over this they say she actually got around $600.00 for this movie alone, whic is twice as much as CEvans got for the first avengers, and he was much more of an established actor.
    Moral of the story, Marvel is really, really, really cheap.

    If theres isnt a new batman for the next 20 years or so I'd be more than okay with that.

    Wonder Woman never really had a code against killing. She's no Punisher, so she doesnt do it often, but she'll do it if she thinks its necessary.

    This movie was a bad idea from the start. But this improves or shrinks the possibility of Colin being fired?

    "went on an astonishing run that equals or surpasses just about any streak of American feature animation made by anyone, including its parent company. "

    That run is actually disastrous (worse of all, it was written by woman, drawn by her husband) but comparetively short. Go read the rebirth stuff. It’s excellent, written by Greg Rucka, one of the legendary WW writers and with some of the most beautiful art WW ever received.

    He was going to die. I forgive an "I'm-going-to-die" I love you.

    To me:
    1- Superman 2
    2- Batman Returns
    3- Spiderman 2

    I disliked Brave exactly because I thought it was mother-daugther relationship seen through a male perspective. It did not explore of it enough.


    It doesnt mater because BSG was about character exploration and the plot was just an excuse for it.

    Lois and Clark, the new adventures of superman is also my favorite lois/clark

    Like I said, to me is undoubtly the best MCU movie to date. I had liked Iron Man a lot too (IM3 is probably my second favorite of tgeir movies), but watching TFA was what made me go "holy shit, this is amazing! ". I like Winter Soldier and Civil War very much too, but they never conected emotionally to me the way TFA