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    You sound fun

    That was reference to winter soldier

    Who the hell is Steve?

    The same reason women do it in real life. Aesthetic, hygenic, odor reasons. Sorry to break it to you, but not everything women do is to get men's approval.

    Why wouldnt they?

    for sure. getting any wonder woman movie made was an uphill battle,can you imagine an openly bisexual wonder woman movie?


    both are great.


    YES! That was genius. He has seen her in all her amazon glory, and while he probably registered in the back of his mind that she is an atractive person, he only really gets that enamored jolt when she is the most dressed, and arguably at her most frumpy. Its great!

    they are both terrible, but they are always terrible

    you are entlitled to your opinion

    Amazons are humans. only Diana is a demi-god

    gosh! WANT!

    him as guide would be cool, but not him going back to life

    I know, but what I mean is that, while I liked their dynamic together I didn't care when they made it romantic.

    Ive only seen men complaining about that, and my answer to that is: dudes, not everything women do is to win your approval.

    I disagree completley. I think its Pine best work to date.

    I liked bruce/selina in dkr but I did not read as romantic.

    And Steve. He is an asshole in that.