
@GeddyLeee: Makes me a sad panda, for sure.

I discovered that I couldn't use RB DLC from the European PSN Store with my imported american RB1 game.

@snapdoodle: No can do, that would be too awesome.

@RenRen: Our bodies have no problem producing the small amount of glucose that the brain needs from fat and protein like you point out.

Aaargh! It seems like all these applications exists to taunt me and my unique problems (computer related).

@mpantone: That sounds great for rabbits and the like, me ... I eat human food.

@Sopor42: I agree that eating fat does not make you fat.

@Joseph: Except that you can't alter your cholesterol level by the amount of cholesterol you eat.

@pinkskittles: Nice write-up, thanks for getting it up there.

@AnEternalEnigma: Suckers with money aren't really suckers with money, now are they?

This is how the lyrics should appear in Rock Band.

To me it felt like I just breezed through the first stages, nothing really happend in creature or tribal stages. Kill everyone and go on.

They should've made it PS3 only, total system seller in Sweden. :D


I've had some problems logging in, but if I restart the game it will work fine.

"protal to teth plzzzzz"