
I didn't think I would enjoy this movie, but if you enjoyed the absurd humor in Postal 2 this is quite good at times.

Anyone know how to disable/move the tooltip that pops up for the site's identity?

Here's hoping for less sucky multiplayer this time around.

@El-Suave: I agree, Strike Commander was an awesome combination of arcade flying and storytelling.

@Daft: Yeah, pretty much the same feeling here. It's not all it's cracked up to be, that's for sure. I might still pick it up tho, but not as excited about it as I was.

@Silenced: "Pokeman" is from a Simpsons episode where Bill Cosby asks a kid "What do you like to play?", whacky Cosby-antics ensue.

Myself I've lost 13 kgs ( roughly 28 pounds ) in about 3 months and that's without any exercise.

Curling! ... no?

I less than three my shaved head, zero maintenance ftw.

Yeah. this makes you sort of embarassed to be swedish.

I love Burnout Paradise to death.

@NiceMissMayonnaise: I was hoping for exactly that when they announced the W40K MMO.

Cautiously optimistic...

My first console was Mattel's Intellivision, seems like it was released a year too late to make that 70's list.

I've only played MGS 3, thinking I could sort of latch on to the story in preparation for MGS 4 only to find out it was a prequel to all the other games.

I don't understand why the title wasn't "Look At My Dragon Balls, Put Them In Your Mouth", seemed like the obvious choice to me. :)

@Garo: No, they're obviously refering to personalities over-represented on Kotaku. :P

@Burguois: Population doesn't even enter into it.

Looks nice and all, but I'll stick with my Antec P182.

Rock Band > GH3 .