
Moby Dick.

I'll happily admit Alien is a better movie on most measurable criteria, but I actually prefer Aliens.

I was going to disagree but then came to think "how many good sci-fi sequels are there?"

It's definitely not good, just perfectly acceptable 3 a.m "this'll do" material. R3 on the other hand…. they could use that at Guantanamo in lieu of waterboarding.

I could be happy with this scale if it weren't for the word "curious".

From memory, 2 wasn't THAT bad. It wasn't good by any stretch of the imagination, but it's entire orders of magnitude better than 3.

Hate the internet? IT department recommendation:

Just for info RE is the reaction an Americanism?

Hmmmm, I agree with a lot of that idea, I think we only disagree a little on what's obvious is all… how about:

With you 100% on the armed theocracy.

The absolute worst was swimming lessons.

Interesting… In my head they're being built up as a force but are going to get absolutely levelled, either by Melisandre (well not by her, by the god or whatever) or in a futile attack on the Walkers/Others. I'm seeing them as a tool to make a temporary change then get annihilated as a demonstration to the reader of

King Tormund or GTFO.

Seriously, maybe not directly "I want to have sex with girls", but I was far enough into "surprise boner" territory that I had to switch from boxers to briefs to be able to stand up without fear at the end of lessons.

I'm with you.

Arya has it pretty bad, but she also briefly had the services of a master face-changing killer, and currently has one of the baddest and least rapey men in Westeros as her protector. She's not exactly allergic to catching a break.

This is one of those 'all other considerations secondary, crew expendable' situations.

Yep. She's playing him like a fiddle.

I am fully caught up, just absent minded.

She SAYS that's what happened.