
I agree with the general sentiment, but I have to snark and say it's not like they filmed this week's episode this week. What were they gonna do, change the episode order around?

I don't know how she hasn't realised.

If it helps any, you're not alone.

Well, since it could be argued that this episode marks the point of moving beyond the current books I'd like to take this opportunity to say: good.

Plus also: can someone who has by vow renounced all claims take on a new one after that vow?

"most adult men couldn't handle Natalie Dormer"

White Walkers are clearly just the North's social workers. All this time, Craster was just pulling the GoT equivalent of the basket on the orphanage steps.

It is, or rather it would be if I'd made a longer comment that would have destroyed the comment's pithiness:

"Jaime can't have a system of values that didn't exist in that kind of society."

Complaining about snark by making snarky comments. The level of irony needed to carry that off makes YOU the hipster…

…and making a character who hates rape into a rapist.

It's not the act itself, it's whether the act is fitting to the characters or not.

I spend a lot of time on certain politics/current affairs boards including trying to convince hardline feminists that men do understand about rape and consent these days, and we don't live in a 'rape culture' etc.

Straight male, read the books. The TV scene was 100% rape to me. I can kinda construct a 'defence' to say it wasn't similar to yours above, but only because I've read the books and mostly just out of hope that they're not going to screw up the Jamie character.

I will LOVE it if somehow the Qyborg has Joffrey's head and brain. That would so be fucking awesome. Enormous great brute, cackling about giving people red smiles and cutting horses in half.

Agree. Also, when he takes on the Mountain in the books he's supposed to still feel like the serious underdog. I mean, the plot is kinda pointing at us that speed and deviousness is going to beat brute power, but it's a more interesting confrontation if you haven't already been shown exactly how deadly he is. You

If they're making him old enough to consummate a marriage, they could always just make "Ser Pounce" Tommen's nickname for his consummating organ?

I have come to comment just to register my cognitive dissonance at "nothing to savor" appearing under that picture.

Cheers, that scene was definitely fully my 'inspiration' then.

Remind me… I had someone vaguely in my head when I wrote that and it may have been Bob.