
Jack Black is a movie star?

Hamill is quite the joker.

Well, isn't that special.

I thought they could not do any worse than the Sharknado series.

One can only hope.

And Rafael is an asshat.

Not that bad, but not that good.

I am still not going to see it.

So that's why "Four Eyes" has been on holiday for a month?

Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi. AKA "Sid"

There are 278,000 juggalos? We are doomed.

278,000 people have watched Joe Dirt 2 on Crackle. Who knew the film's core audience had internet?

I just hope we get to see the whole time machine proof of no Jebus.

They forgot the "h" between the s and i.

Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal in Hysteria.

Let us assume that Mr. Fogle is innocent until proven guilty. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies routinely question those people who might have been co-workers, friends and relatives of those who have been arrested and charged with a crime, no matter what the crime. In this case it IS a federal case, and if

And nothing of value was lost.

Not fully. The Egyptians were conquered by the Romans and the Hawai'ians by the Dole Pineapple company using the US Army as mercenaries.

They did it in Utah for a while. That's why they got so interested in family trees. That and posthumous baptisms.

Egyptian and Hawai'ian royalty, among others, practiced it until the end of their kingdoms.