
Charlie and Emilio were pretty good as the Mitchell Brothers in that movie as well. BTW, the prosecution in that murder was the first to use computer graphics in the reconstruction of the crime. It blew the defense's case away, so to speak.

Nothing about 1960 NCAA Men's Fencing Champion?

MacFarlane is all about toilet humour. Why is Dowd so surprised?

I did. Several, in fact. All of the POTC. The Lone Ranger (the final chase is worth the price of admission alone, especially when it drives my opera loving mother crazy) (I grew up on the tv re-runs and have all the radio shows on tape and mp3) And Rango is side splitting. (Abby Breslin is precious in that)

The Gypsy leader. Or the town mayor and Molina as the town priest.

Alfred Molina. My wife loves Chocolat, but she graduated from the Sorbonne.

Rango was acceptable for what it was. Can you name the other actor who was in both with Mr. Depp?

Chocolat was the movie in question.

You are correct. But that movie with Judy Dench was worth watching. Except for Mr. Depp.

Rush Limbaugh is still around.

Don't you mean lack of blocking?

The last time Johnny Depp did anything worth watching it had Judy Dench in the cast.

My daughters are 17. They snuck into the room where I was watching this last year, they were 16. They would not talk to me for a week. They are ok with the swordplay of Princess Mononoke and the violence of the Arkham/Batman video games and even Bubblegum Crisis (both versions) and other violent Saturday morning

I watch this movie every August 6th and go for a walk with my dogs afterward.

The US Navy's submarine warfare against Japan was more of a success than that of the German Kriegsmarine against Britain. The military dictatorship was willing to let every soldier and civilian die to "win" the war for Japan.

I saw it in Japan in a theatre when it first came out. It was double featured with "My Neighbour Totoro." It is the best anti-war movie ever. I play it every August 6th.

Your VCRs did not show time elapsed or remaining on the tape?

TL;DR. I was told there would be math.

And I thought Sparky was fucked up. Maybe Mr Watterson finally got himself well adjusted and that's why he really stopped the strip. I hope so for his sake.

Thin skinned is no way to work in Hollywood, son. If you don't like internet trolls then close your facebook and twitter accounts and get an alt account or two.