
Eric Coates, The Dambusters March.

Yes, it was stylish. It wasn't not fashionable and died out in less than 10 years. Porn 'staches and Jafros/Jewfros are gone. Except for Ron Jeremy.


Don't forget a teenage Helena Bonham-Carter as a drug addicted med student.

Miami Vice made it ok for straight men to wear pastels and pinks.

I still say somebody should have made a movie of the original, non-censored, non Disneyfied, non bowlderised book, "Who Censored Roger Rabbit."

BBC commissioned 3 series to go with the books and have continued on. I think there are 5 or 6 now. BBC.uk/radioworks IIRC.

The book. The radio and telly programmes. The book of radio programme scripts and the vinyl LPs. BTW, every version is just a bit different from the other versions. And each language version is different (British v American English) And the computer game from the 80s. (You have to cheat to win)

I grew up in the Central Valley of California. On a clear night I could get KFI 640 from LA, almost 200 miles away and would listen to Vin Scully calling the game. Now I live about 150 miles farther away and the dial is so full that such a thing is no longer possible. Lon Simmons was good and John Miller is about

Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Dr Who, Christy Canyon.

Sit-com is like both knight and rap music. There is an invisible and silent "h" between the "s" and the "i" like the silent "k" in knight and the invisible "c" in rap music.

Well, his life experience influenced his writing. He saw a dystopia, it does not get more dystopian than war, and wanted something better.

This whole website, this article, and your taking anything here are laughable.

It has nothing to do with anything. It's nothing important, it's just television.

Ever have your coworker's head blown off while you are trying to do your job? Gene Roddenberry did before he was 25.

Hwil is my second favourite criminal in "Criminal Minds."

Then you'll just have to understand Roddenberry through Star Trek (up to season 2 of TNG)

Roddenberry flew the B-17E. A prop powered aircraft. The experiences in combat of fighter pilots and bomber pilots had profound differences. My father flew B-29s in WWII and Korea, his brother flew P-38s and P-51s in Europe. They had very different stories about combat flying. But I'll say you earned about a 2/10

Gene Roddenberry was a BOMBER pilot in the Pacific, and when the war was over he flew for Pan Am and then became a beat cop in LA before turning to TV writing full time. To really understand Star Trek it is paramount to understand Roddenberry. And the writer fails at this in the beginning.

Yes. Mr. Cameron is a bit dense. About as dense as lead.