
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. I like the books and although the show is formulaic it is fun.

An endless cycle of ape movies. Or as Mr. Hanky would say, "The Cycle of Poo."

Cary Grant in "Bringing Up Baby" and "Monkey Business." Ronald Reagan in "Bedtime for Bonzo."

The best movie he did was that WWII movie with
Benjamin Bratt and Joseph Finnes….goes to IMDB… yeah, The Great Raid. Good Flick.

James Franco is in it, therefore it doesn't work.

Broadchurch and Mr & Mrs Murder.

I have a bad feeling about this.


John McCain

Yeah. But without his millions and his influence at Fox the show might still be just someone's good idea.

Seth's best show is Cosmos.

But only two livers.

I hope they do it right and get a good NC-17 rating out of this and not some watered down R.

That guy? He's married to George Clooney's ex. BTW, nice upgrade there, George.

I knew a Quantum mechanic. His name was Hans and he was the best VW mechanic in San Francisco.

There is no gravity. The Universe sucks.

Well, if Mara Jade or Jaina Organa-Solo were in the movie…. Wait….Disney, I mean Lucasfilm, just flushed the whole of the Star Wars Extended Universe down the garbage chute?

Wolver who?

Rick's for cocktails and Milliways for dinner.

I was going to see this just because of Kate Upton. Now I'll look for something better. Thanks for saving me the price of admission.