
Lady in Pink was better. 19 year old Christy Canyon. MMM MMM MMM

It'll be perfect for the 17 year old 8th grader demographic they have targeted all these years.

I call shenanigans. Not one of them has committed suicide.

Her best work was as Rusty in Big Guy.

Dirty Pair, Great Detective Holmes and Cowboy BeBop.

Glad to see Ebert listed. He ended up writing other scripts for Meyer under assumed names.

Lucky you. Two of my cats get upset if the burritos haven't been nuked.

With a punji stick dipped in the diarrhea of a sick pig.

Boo Farking Hoo. As if they don't get enough time on their own 24 hour per day networks, late nights/early mornings and Sundays. If they want fairness they should let NdGT, Bill Nye, Phil Plait and other scientists have equal time on the Rev. Billy Bob Dinkleschpritz weekly beg-athon. This isn't religion or

Christian Bale tapped to play eccentric billionaire who dresses in black, invents exotic gadgets from secret lair to punish his enemies with


If your show gains new life, great. Otherwise there will be something new on next week. It's nothing serious, it's just television.

He was paid $1M for each episode of Friends for the last 2 years of the show. that's comes to what, $44M or so. I really don't care about his problems. He should realize how lucky he is, find a nice place by the beach and live off the interest for the rest of his life.

Thanks be to FSM.

As far as I'm concerned everything after "Wings" is a bit of a let down.

The dinner by the campfire scene is hilarious when done with tubas, trombones and flutes. It is also funny when completely silent. But to censor it is to clip Twlight's new wings.

Actually I have been sickened by the censored versions of originals. The very first DVD I bought was Blazing Saddles. I make it a point to play it when ever it's run on American TV instead of watching the censored American TV version.

There was an episode where Blackadder and Baldrick found a time machine, went back and fixed things so Blackadder was King. It was a one off. And then there are the episodes of Blackadder the Cavalier and Baldrick the Round top and Blackadder's Christmas Carol. Those were also one offs but played in time line order

For him the war was training, D-Day, recuperating and going home. Not to diminish his service. If he had not been shot up and made it in from the beach he probably would have won a Victoria Cross later on. From what I've read and heard elsewhere he was a bad-ass among bad-asses. Jimmy did about 3/4 of the

I'll be sad when Nina Hartley passes.