
This is Valentine's Day. Shouldn't you and Genie be out somewhere instead of trolling web fora?

Doohan almost didn't make it to June 7, 1944. He was basically kneecapped by a German machine gun on the beach. And had a finger shot off as well. All before he was 20.

His COPD is at least 10 years along. He has less than 10 years to go. I hope he makes a few anti-smoking PSAs.

COPD already for 10+ years at age 83. He won't make 90.

I knew I had them mixed up by the time I pressed the submit button. Thanks for the correction.

Eyup. Top Chef was originally a Japanese programme that pitted two chefs (and their crews) in a race to make a 4 - 5 course meal with the secret ingredient. The "Chairman" would have his chef (one of 4 or 5) against a challenger from somewhere in the world and they would present their dishes at the end of the hour

Top Chef as put on by Food Network/Cooking Channel leaves a lot to be desired over the Japanese original. But as an American version, it's not too bad.

Some people are just sick. And the idiots who would write and send such things to a five year old little girl are just the sickest.

No. I held on to the Netflix with the knowledge that it is a glamour stock. When it hit my number, the intended profit level, I waited a day to see if it would go any further. I waited a week and then sold it all. Profit realized was enough to pay for a Tesla S Performance. I am picking it up on Monday from the

I did something similar to that. Except I held on to the Netflix. Gonna pick up a new Tesla tomorrow.

Dope will get you through times of no ponies better than ponies will get you through times of no dope.

Dude, she's five!! Some people are really sick.

Eyup. It's just television. An attempt to wrap adverts with eye catching paper to get you to buy something you don't need.

I've been lucky and cannot remember ever have been afflicted with such an addiction.

Jay "interviewed" Ahnuld when he announced his run for Governator of California. I turned it off when it became fellatio and haven't watched since.

The Cheerios commercial was great. One of my daughters recognized our car before it was shown on screen, "Daddy, it's the Ghibli!!!!" If the guy who bought the puppy had one, he would have out run the horses.

The BBC, ITV, Granada and other British networks wrap them up in historical verisimilitude with accurate costumes, automobiles and accoutrements and push them off as "costume drama" but it is the same old thing.

There was no shogun at that time. It was the local samurai. The character Toronaga becomes Shogun at the end of the book. The pissing on the back takes place in the first chapter or so.

You might take it. But the Tokugawa shogunate will give it back and kick you out if you are lucky.

Marty showing Catholic priests on the other side of being tortured? Yeah. And the Japanese had quite a way with it.