
I was surprised to see AV Club gave this a B. I think it was the most boring episode I remember, which is saying a lot since they added a new cast member.

I knew I would find an intelligent review here on AVClub, to help me process this episode.

Thanks for the great reviews this season. This last episode almost made me finally throw in the towel - how much Phil/Tandy can someone endure? But the episode ended very strong, as you said. So I may finally decide I really like this show. Looking forward to next season. I'm expecting the unexpected.

I don't mind the slow unfolding of the plot. I'm enjoying the Revolutionary setting, and find the story (and the story questions) engaging so far. I'm not sure why this series was ever compared to Game of Thrones, and I'm fine with it not being that.

I'm enjoying the show so far, into episode 2. Hilarious how you you keep fixating on the baby :D