
None of that is actually true at all. I watched the trial for several days and have been following it closely. There was no evidence of a rough ride, and it became known later that the prosecutors were wrong about the false arrest. The knife that Freddie Gray carried was legal under state law but illegal under city

People should really read the judge’s decision in the case. So much misinformation and unproven theories have been reported on this case that are untrue. At worst this was civil negligence, which is not the same as criminal negligence. I am as disgusted by police brutality as anyone, but this was NOT an instance of

You’re making the mistake of thinking that outraged people are interested in facts.

The standard is the same in a bench trial.

<<a few months of training and a badge doesn’t give you the country to murder people as you see fit>>

I mean...come on...I think this is pretty silly.

Get out.

I found it! The wrongest post on the internet today.

Yeah, this movie is going to suck horribly. If they don’t even give a shit about the themesong, you can bet they didn’t about anything else.

So she basically just has perfect armpits. Not going to lie, I love that this is how she responded.