Testicles of Doom (mk II)

Why would you encourage anyone to follow him on Twitter and/or give him more attention?

Right now it’s Disintegration by The Cure. Tomorrow it will be Raven in the Grave by The Raveonettes.

Now playing

Referencing a Gawker blind item is like reprinting something scribbled on a bathroom stall and saying, “See? People are talking about this.” It is very irresponsible to hold a man’s reputation hostage until he denies (to your liking) unsourced rumors that don’t even mention him by name.

Wasn’t this established... years ago? Like, almost immediately after the story became a thing? To the point where every time it comes up here or Jezebel it seemed like the authors were purposely ignoring Kirkman’s clarification just to bait a reaction?

Variety estimates It’s budget

“Thank you for making our site’s community vibrant, intelligent, and fun!”

Remember when people used to comment on AV Club articles?

There are points where I disagree with her, but she’s not wrong here.

I don’t think we can disregard how stupid the electorate can be. My favorite explanation from a Trump voter went along the lines of “I was ready to vote for Elizabeth Warren, but she didn’t run, so I voted Trump.” He listed his reasoning, which basically amounted to a broccoli fart.

It’s actually the fault of Baby-boomers refusing to give up their power. This election was a generational step backwards from Generation X, back to the Baby-boomers. And they’re so old now and desperate to hold onto their power, that they elected the actual avatar of their Me-Generation. When it was all said and done,

Trump is unhinged, but that doesn’t take away from the fact millions of voters stayed home and sulked like toothless babies because their preferred candidate didn’t win the primaries.

 Praising the modern Democratic party for Social Security created by FDR is just as bad as the right wing nut job memes about how Democrats started the KKK and the Republicans were against slavery.

call me crazy, but i think the Democractic party would be wise to cease any and all finger-pointing/blaming/mud-slinging until AFTER the 2020 election.
just sayin.

The thing people are failing to take into consideration is that Tyler Perry is a cunt

Wow, this has been up for an hour and I am the first comment to talk shit about Tyler Perry? Kinja really has killed the comment section. Anyways, Tyler Perry is a hypocritical piece of shit who has profited off of exploiting people’s religious beliefs with his shitty plays and movies, so its not really a surprise

Those prosperity gospel believers defending Osteen are the same folks who are still waiting for trickle down to kick in for them.

Much in the same way I complained Bush Jr. was a moronic joke of a president, I bitched and moaned about Diqsuq... and NOW we have Trump and Kinja to prove that things *can* be much worse... yay...

Before Kinja the comment section would already be chock full of lively discussion from people way smarter than me. Now I have to live with my own stupid thoughts...

For this morning’s 5-mile run, I was accompanied by: