Testicles of Doom (mk II)

I went to copy and paste, and I deleted it. So, nothing, I guess.

Fuck the Nazis
Fuck the alt-right
Fuck the klan
Fuck the confederates
Fuck this administration
Fuck the enablers that allowed them to get in the White House
Fuck the orange Shit-gibbon, whom I said last week when it got bad he would remain silent, and instead he made it Fucking worse.

So he could melt it down and cover a toilet with it.

I love that disco theme, it's so weird and out of place.

Well, since I saw these shit heads swinging their tiki torches at people in an attempt to light others on fire, I'd say there was some hate coming from the white people.

I see someone's read my thesis proposal!

Hey duder,

If the Kinjapocalypse happens tomorrow, I want you to know that I think you're a genuinely nice and thoughtful person.

The older I get, the more I appreciate Louder Than Love. That and Ultramega are heavy, but more importantly, they're pretty weird.

Shocking, I know.

The whole thing is so ridiculous. I would guess that many, many of us click on articles we aren't interested in, just to check out what's going on in the comments. What happens to AV Club when we aren't clicking 58 other articles a day?

8 weeks until I get my masters! Yay!

Anthrax - She
the Killers - All the Pretty Faces
Lords of Acid - Blowing Up Your Mind
Metallica - Halo On Fire
Christian Fitness - Donald Got a Train
Iron Reagan - In Greed We Trust
Black Sabbath - Buried Alive
Type O Negative - Hey Pete
Pigface - I Can Do No Wrong
Monster Voodoo Machine - Motionless
Toadies - Dead Boy Boogie

Fuck the Alt-Right / Neo Nazis / Nu Confederates, or whatever the hell they're calling themselves this week.

Took the boys, 7 and 5, camping for the first time. Aside from some minor complaints (due to being tired), it was a success!

"S&M to me means SUPER and MAGICAL!"

I never made it that far in the series. Every time I say I'm gonna make it to the end, I always bail before I get there.

There's one season, either three or four, where Dan and Roseanne are constantly at each other's throats. I get they were stressed about Dan being out of work, but man it made me anxious.

Love Siouxsie.

I kind of hate you.