Testicles of Doom (mk II)

Soundgarden - Mood For Trouble
Butthole Surfers - Dancing Fool
Ramones - Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment
Course of Empire - Blue Moon
Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused [Live in Paris 1969]
Sepultura - Endangered Species [Live 1996]
Stiffed - Straight Jackers
Machine Head - Halo
Anthrax - Armed and Dangerous
David Bowie - Scary

About three years ago, one of the holiday specials was on ABC, Toy Story of Terror or Charlie Brown Christmas, I forget which. My eldest who would've been four at the time, was baffled by commercials breaks (this was before he was a habitual YouTube user), and he was downright pissed off at the end when he couldn't

I watched Stone Cold over the weekend. Even my wife was cracking up and she doesn't really go in for MST3K and such.

It was always so weird to me that it was on in prime time. Were they just trying to grow with the audience? I just don't get it.

That sucks. I've never had that issue before.

Holy shit, you're right. I clicked reply on your comment and it took me aaaallllllll the way to the top where I to scroll all the way back down to find the text box.


Yup. Sweet & Buckingham covered it on the soundtrack to Overnight Delivery, if memory serves.

When I worked in retail, there would be these old men (always old men), that would walk around whistling aimlessly and tunelessly. No song, no direction, just whistling.

I kind of forgot about Twilight Zone until back in 2007 when I was working big box retail, and we had some really great music for about six months, before uppity senior citizens complained and they went back to bullshit. That bass in Twilight Zone is sick.

Romeo Void - Never Say Never [12" Version]
Megadeth - Kill the King
Tom Tom Club - Genius of Love
Genesis - Land of Confusion
Golden Earring - Twilight Zone
Hate Dept. - Planet Earth [Duran Duran Cover]
Heart - Barracuda
LaTour - People Are Still Having Sex
Matthew Sweet & Lindsay Buckingham - Magnet and Steel
Meat Puppets -

I'm sorry it worked out this way, but it sounds like you're better off. I can't imagine shutting my children out like that.

Absolutely. I thought I loved her enough to let that go, but obviously, I didn't because she was pushing marriage and I wasn't into the idea. Yet, I had no problem proposing 18 months later to someone else, so in my mind I knew it wasn't right.

I'm glad you got the kids conversation out of the way early. I dated a girl, whom I was madly in lust with, who didn't want kids. I knew I wanted them someday, but not immediately. "Maybe she'll change her mind," I thought as she was only 21 then, and who wants that burden at such a young age?

Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through this. I would say, just on what you wrote, that maybe your mom is depressed and in denial?

I think the article paints with too broad of a brush, regarding metal as the problem when it's largely black metal. I think the problem with Naziism in the genre is what happens when you "separate the art from the artist".

I used to write for Under Your Balls Quarterly.

They stopped showing He-Man in my market long before that happened, but I remember seeing a commercial for the new version and He-Man was in space wearing blue jeans, and I immediately said outloud "what the hell is this shit?"

My sons loved the show, full on obsessed, it's everything you said, plus their vehicles transformed!

My son watches this version, I thought it already ended. I like it, it's pretty funny.