Except for my parents, who posted on Facebook that "Hillary was just standing there while Trump did all the talking", which was a real delight to them.
Except for my parents, who posted on Facebook that "Hillary was just standing there while Trump did all the talking", which was a real delight to them.
Talk Talk
Talking Heads
Tammy Wynette
Team Sleep
Tears For Fears
Temple of the Dog
The Temptations
Terence Trent D'Arby
That Dog
Thompson Twins
Throwing Muses
Til Tuesday
The Time
The Timelords
Tin Machine
Tina Turner
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Tom Tom Club
Toni Basil
My god I thought I dreamed this…
My eldest's elementary school had a "fall festival" on Saturday. It wasn't planned very well, but they did have three inflatable bouncy castles/slides/obstacle courses. So I let them bounce for an hour, and then another 20 minutes after a break. Best $10 I ever spent.
This is just a good place as any (sorry for hijacking your thread) to mention how I like a lot of NBC's programming, but I hate NBC.
I never played D&D, but I did play the Star Wars version. It makes a tremendous difference with a good DM and/or group.
Oh wow, I only ever saw the US theatrical when it was new, and then never again.
Running Man is so fun, but it is quite the departure from the book. Both are good, but very different from each other. I like that the movie is a dystopian future, but also bright and filled with 80s dancers and neon.
- Fanservice Junction: Sue wears a one-piece swimsuit that rides up her ass.
I love Metric* and hope to see them live one day.
I didn't realize the cast, I like them all to varying degrees, and I didn't realize Lord & Miller were involved, so I have a bit of "buyer's remorse".
Ugh, I keep slipping.
I remember about 15 years ago, they tried again and Doyle said they were close "until Jerry threw a fùcking monkey wrench in it."
I don't actively collect much anymore, and I don't have any particular style. I just like weird shit from thrift shops. I'll probably never get rid of them because it's just too much of a hassle to grade them, list them, and ship them.
When I was young and moved around a lot, my vinyl just stayed at my parents house. However, the five paper case boxes of CDs I had were a bitch, and I broke at least 3 jewel cases in every move. When you're bouncing from place to place after the lease ends, that ads up quick.
As much fun as I like to make of juggalos, as much as I find their tastes questionable, every one I've ever met has been nice and accepting of everyone.
You can't prove that.
What a fabulous shit show that was!
Why should he move? They're the ones that suck…