
While many users across the site found what I did funny, or appreciated that I was standing up to the bullies

How is this an issue outside of that particular subreddit? Just filter it from the front page and be done with it. Is there some other drama unfolding that I don’t see?

So Athos56, what is your real name and address?

It’s was only a matter of time. Please make this a one time deal and not Gawktaku. We already have Gawkmodo, Gawkerbel, and Gawkspin. Please no Gawktaku.

Wow, really, just wow.

It’s just such an insane hypocrisy that people on the left are A-OK with absolutely eviscerating people for espousing sexist, misogynistic, violent, warmongering and otherwise reprehensible ideas, but when you wrap it all up in Islam then all of a sudden they’re beyond criticism.

Why are you posting this shit thread on a gaming site.

Agreed. Its phenomenal how Nathan Grayson has used a controversy centering around him writing positive reviews of his sexual partners games to shame so many others. Hell, he profits off GamerGate, because putting GamerGate in the titles of articles guarantees clicks.

Oh my god not this again. Let it go

Never laughed harder at a post.

Pao was terrible as well.

Jezebel and “The Slot”: Why Trump won lolololololol.

Gawkmodo, where speech is free as long as it fits the approved narrative.

Gizmodo: Where you can be as racist as you want as long as it’s against white males...

The CEO of a major website is secretly editing people’s posts? Sad!

Twist, he wasn’t white. Check out the exposed legs. He’s not a racist. He’s a troll.

The individual in the gorilla suit was actually black. Look up the photos for yourself.

It was a black man that did this, whiner, there are pics showing as much.

True to form, Chicago’s terrible turf brought him down... torn MCL, out for the season.