
Logical. This is why they’re gonna burn you as a witch early on, though.

False. The new quarter pounder has none of the “shit yourself 2 hours later” appeal of the standard “beef” patty.  How else am I supposed to stay regular?

People in those Shale oil regions are learning what people in Gulf Coast have known for years, the oil industry is a boom or bust industry based on oil prices. Most of the cheap oil in the US has been extracted, as such most of the oil exploration and extraction are from much more expensive fields and as such will

The advice I usually give is to stock what you eat. It doesn’t need to be anything extreme like military rations or freeze dried foods. It can be as simple as extending the supply of your favorite granola bar, or anything else you eat regularly.

He’s setting himself up as the martyr for his movement. Whether or not his movement actually exists outside his head is neither here nor there, but this setting out a manifesto and daring the enemy to kill him is classic movement-martyr behavior.

It actually gets about the same MPG on the big tires as it does on stock ones, because it changed the gearing and I’m not in boost at 70 anymore. And it still has all of its original smog equipment, including a functional catalyst, and passes an annual emissions test. Also, I haven’t driven it in 4 months, so it’s

In Europe, that would mean that your car would a) not be legal because it would not meet the emissions standard for the year it would be produced in, so it could be impounded on the spot and/or b) since it would not meet the emissions class it was specced for, and taxes are based on emissions, you would be committing

What you might be missing is that these clowns are in Utah where, due to our geography, we regularly have the most polluted air in the nation. Because of the winter inversions along the Wasatch front we have dozens of winter days where kids can’t play outside as the air is classified as dangerous to breathe. It’s not

Should I have to pay a hefty fine

Annnnd...we know who’s voting for Trump come November.

I’m not gonna take science fiction advice from some poster-maker who doesn’t know the difference between ‘discreet’ and ‘discrete’.

Screenings like this aren’t that special, especially when you’re invited to a lot of them, or when your job is reviewing films.

Oh hey, a bunch of people who were specially invited to a screening of a film in order to make them feel special, and most have positive feelings about said film. Shocking.

They seem to ignore that Latino is not a race and that there are indeed millions of white people living all over Latin America and who are as Latino as those with darker skin. When your entire argument is that Oprah is being ignorant (and she is), it would help not to be ignorant yourself. 

ABC just leaked a few images from part 2 of the finale. I’ll attach one below:

Exactly, This could just be Hanlon’s Razor. “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained with stupidity.”

Now if only they’d show the same level of concern for domestic white supremacist terrorist organizations.

The body I was born with, is it not what you wanted?

“If I have to buy a fifth ticket, I’m going to be so pissed off,”

I think part of the problem she is having right now is that she is naturally pretty deep, but at the end of the day is just kid (and honestly a kid with a kind of shitty education), so she gets put on the spot a lot and sounds stupid.