
You need to find an employer with a business model aligned with your faith or make your peace with having taken employment under conditions that do not perfectly mesh with your convictions. The world owes no one a perfectly moral-conflict-free life.

Two years ago, Stanley converted to Islam

As someone noted further down the thread though, how does this not differ from a pharmacist denying to fill a prescription for birth control? There is (sadly) no federal right to this either and it isn’t the only function of a pharmacists’ job. It’s still someone using their religion to deny service.

In one sense, I agree that the situations aren’t comparable. Davis refuses to act as the state performing a function of the state, when in reality the state itself does not have a freedom to religion. She has that job, she needs to do that job, full stop, or remove herself from the position of being a representative

i don’t know about this one... if you don’t want to serve alcohol you shouldn’t get a job that requires this. she probably shouldn’t apply to be a bartender either.

Just a heads up, it’s not going to rub many people the right way if feminism starts focusing on censoring and policing individual speech.

I’m growing more and more uncomfortable with the seemingly increasing progressive notion that people’s backgrounds must be fully delved into and punishment doled out for things they did years and years ago, retroactive, permanent punishment. It strikes me as so anti-liberal.