
I have this as well - but interest rates are so low at the moment (and have been for years) that savings accounts essentially lose money over time because the “interest” is an order of magnitude lower than inflation.

I usually really enjoy your writing but I think you really failed to capture the humanity in what you are writing about here. This isn’t about class war or employment issues. This is about the horrific murder of two children. The way in which you analyze that here is a best cold.

This article is incredibly unfair to the Krims. No, Yoselyn Ortega’s complaints weren’t legitamite. She made bad financial decisions; she sent her son to expensive private schools, she chose to sublet from a someone who kicked her out shortly after she moved in. They paid her, they offered her extra work when they

It is an injustice to paint these parents in any other light than grieving fucking parents.

The only Stormy I recognize is Misty’s foal.

I’m actually so surprised at this verdict but elated for his family. She is evil.

I’ve shared this before, but I lost my 16 year old daughter to suicide 5/29/16. There is not one thing that her father and I would not have done to save our beautiful girl. And this fucking bitch can sleep at night????? Our entire family continually thinks about the “what ifs” surrounding her death. And this bitch can

I am all for offering a suggestion of some way to support those who are doing good work and making sacrificing for the betterment of others. While I make regular charitable donations, I could do better, no doubt.

The house where I grew up was pretty new - way newer than any of the other houses on the block. A typical one-story ranch house that you might see in any stretch of American suburbia. Likewise, all the furniture in the house was pretty par for the course. My room had a little-kid bed, a nightstand, a table and chairs

My mom tells us not to talk about it, but there is something sensitive about our family. We feel things, and then we bite our tongues to prevent bothers from thinking we are nuts.

I’d heard mumblings growing up of a strange incident involving my family and a famous murder, but my grandma refused to discuss it and I knew better than to ask around. After my great-aunt died and left behind 200 pages of memoirs, I finally got the full story.

This isn’t my story, personally, but it’s one that has kicked around my family for so long that it definitely feels like it’s mine. It’s been told and re-told, but I do think that the central details are very solid.