
I’ve yet to see any legitimate critics saying it has anything to do with women. Not saying there aren’t, but the vast majority of negativity surrounding the movie has nothing to do with them being women.

we can’t just have an honest conversation about it

The headline IS clickbait. There’s about 72 thousand other titles you could have used. I had the same reaction and wanted to know why so I read it.

Don’t worry, Gawker will be gone soon.

That is your response to a very fair comment. Do you expect to be taken serious?

There was no need to further explain yourself. The title of the article is totally clickbait.

Wow - really nice way to engage with your readers. What I meant - and clearly I didn't say it correctly so forgive me for not using the exact appropriate words - was that the woman deserves your respect by making the headline clear about the abortion she chose to have - no judgment on my part and I'm deeply saddened