Play Alien Isolation first
Play Alien Isolation first
This is what’s wrong with society nowadays. Sure Uber/Lyft/Taxis have their share of problems but they do provide a pretty useful and practical service. Some better than others, but at least we have a choice
Spanish over Mandarin any day of the week. Let’s not fool ourselves
He’s also not 6'2... more like 6'0
My first reaction was a laugh too, but then I remembered how bad my wrist would hurt after playing guitar for a really long time. I could see people that do any kind of stress activity for 12 hours a day can definitely mess something up
It might sound comical at first but sitting for 12 hours straight and constant clicking can definitely mess up your hand ligaments. Nothing wrong with taking care of them. As an example; pro-musicians and guitar players also develop similar issues
They’ll come up with a cloud system which you have to pay a monthly fee
Sounds like everything is “rape” nowadays. Should a male getting a colonoscopy be considered “anal rape”. I remember a story of a person who woke up during the middle of a colonoscopy and was in pain screaming “pull it out” and the doctors gave him more anesthesia and proceeded.... therefore, that person was raped?
wait for it....... That wasn’t the first problem
How a few seconds or minutes of standing water get into an air sealed differential is my question...
This is how I feel when I drive my A4 quattro through the snow :)
I’m tired of this BS, you want to save time then cut down the in-between innings to 90 seconds (like college) games will last 2-2.5 hours then. But I guess MLB does not want to give up precious tv commercial time
Here’s my favorite myth..... Women who have a lot of sex have a loose vagina
This is the sad reality we live in today. I don’t agree with it, but if you want to rise to the top, find a company that deviates from this reality or try to work your way into a HR department.
Male dominated company?
I’m in Florida. Saturday morning about 9am. I am driving north on I-95 going about 65-70mph, just cruising on a sunny Saturday morning, enjoying my day. When all of a sudden I see this black thing bounce from the opposite side of the road about a quarter of a mile in front of me, I realize it’s a piece of a tire, no…
Hi Shep. The Aukey brick is a great little device. However, it should be noted it is not “basically the same size” as the OEM Apple charger. It is noticeable bigger
Hi Shep. The Aukey brick is a great little device. However, it should be noted it is not “basically the same size”…
Haha... I guess it is earned with time? Will let you know when I become a VP
Stating the obvious much? Look around your own company, usually the Vice-Presidents, CFO and other people in power look and act a certain way. Upset? If you want to get to the top, do what you gotta do to start looking and acting that way.
What if the woman happens to be your boss?