
Could it be that the most recent images are provided by more high quality cameras?

TV service is so complicated nowadays.... Remember when life was simple we had 8 channels and had to push them on the TV to switch them?

*Acura.... FTFY

Epiphone guitar is a “Les Paul” model but not an authentic “Les Paul” guitar. Still a nice deal

Epiphone guitar is a “Les Paul” model but not an authentic “Les Paul” guitar. Still a nice deal

Ticketmaster is built around the idea of scalping. They get comission for every sale

I see your point now. But people would probably buy/sell tickets somewhere else. This is a bold move for Google, but I think there is no way around scalping tickets.

I’m just comparing your ticketmaster example would not apply here

I agree this is tax evasion. Ticketmaster is not

Tax evasion is punishable by law. Re-selling for a profit is mostly legal. Big difference

Congrats to the schmucks who made about $25 per phone on this scheme. Get a life and make money in an honest way

People are horrible....

... in 5 simple steps

That’s your opinion. I have both. I actually like Amazon’s library better

That’s your opinion. I have both. I actually like Amazon’s library better

I thought XIII series was pretty good. But that’s just my opinion

No chance he goes 2 terms. But then again, I thought there was no chance he would win.

The moment you realize Trump was only a presidential candidate to boost his own image with no expectations to win...... oooops. Great job America.

Best advice here. You don’t need to be a professional investor to make 5-8% return over time. Vanguard is a good choice because of their low expense ratios

You don’t have to pick stocks or short or any of that.... Just put $100-$500 a month on a fund and watch it grow overtime. Don’t worry about market fluctuation. When you are close to retiring (5-10 years away) start moving your money from funds to bonds, which are more secure but less gain.

Savings accounts are pretty much useless these days (unless used for short term savings). I would look into Roth IRA or putting more money on your 401K. Mutual Funds are better choice than a savings account but I would recommend Index Funds, which are similar to Mutual Funds but with much less expense ratio (there is

Not sure I understand why you guys emphasize on some of his business being a total failure like that is a relevant topic at all. They guy is a billionaire, if there is something he did right in his life was business. NO BUSINESS PERSON is 100% right all of the time. But Trump has somewhat of an empire to show for his