I mean, you’re forgetting about the best all-girl alliance in Survivor history! The Black Widow Brigade of Micronesia. Still one of the best seasons ever
I mean, you’re forgetting about the best all-girl alliance in Survivor history! The Black Widow Brigade of Micronesia. Still one of the best seasons ever
I have absolutely no interest in Cecile and Joe having a baby. In my opinion, adding a baby tends to be something the writers do when they’ve run out of ideas, so i’m not particuarly optimistic
his seems like an overreaction to a relatively mild change. I think it makes sense. I like listening to Orange is the New Black’s theme twice, maybe three times, but once it got to the fourth episode I would manually skip it either way so this just makes it easier. If you want to watch the credit then... do
I agree. I used to work beta testing and I don’t understand how these issues haven’t already been picked up before it was released
Hey, why is this below the review I was trying to read instead of a next or previous review?
I truly hate the newswire that is now on every page.
Well this is...awful. Just awful.
I mean maybe it makes him seem weak, I don't know. I don't think it makes him a bad person because there's a hotter guy there. I just think the argument that a guy will treat you the same on a second date as a tenth is not true. Someone allowing a close friend to comfort someone they barely know doesn't mean your…
Eh I don't know, if I was having a major family crisis I probably wouldn't except a guy I barely know to be someone to lean on. I probably wouldn't want him to crowd me in the first place
To be fair, it was their second date right? That is a LOT for a second date
Well they ended the storyline with them telling Max he didn't do anything wrong, so maybe not
I didn't mind Max, but I really disliked the way his parents disciplined him. I particularly hated the storyline when he had a crush on a girl, then effectively tried to bully her into into dating him, her parents were shockingly upset, and Max's parents got angry at them instead of telling Max he was being extremely…
I just realised I confused this with the other new show that's about the autistic child doctor. Both of which seem to take stereotypes of ASD and ramp it up to about 11. Also I hate how the visual shorthand is to make them just be asshole. I had the same issue with parenthood where they were effectively raising a…
I love the weird little moments of Insecure, it's what makes it for me. Like Issa being too slow walking on wedges and her passing out from the paint
Holy shit THAT'S who he is. It's like he's White Josh's evil corporate twin
yeah it's totally tasha's fault issa cheated on lawrence
Yeah, somehow I doubt Molly will take kindly to her therapist telling her to reorient her thinking. Also, the magic eight ball line was hilarious
Mmm I don't know, Raja wore a full on native American headpiece for a random love America challenge and nobody really cared, apart from possibly Shangela
Awww man! I loved sense8. That's disappointing
I don't think the cast said that, I think, from memory Elizabeth Moss more meant to say it's not just a feminist show it's a humanist show because it's about human rights and freedoms, and she then walked back her first statement. But I don't think the rest of the cast or creatives agreed with her