
my kind of "girl"

interesting you should say that, we can stop talking about black folks when you stop talking about white folks. I mean reeally, have you looked at the media and internet? it is ALL about white folks! even this site , not necessarily racist, is probably 80% what white folks think and do.

this is not true, in fact the commercial porn sites are almost always clean because they want you back!!! they do have pop up etc but they dont infect.

actually commercial porn sites are the safest, virus wise.

this subject is of no consequence, I expect better of this site

dear white guys: i am quite sure you see nothing offensive about the use of a ethnic slur, but in fact it is a derogatory term that should be eliminated from americas vocabulary. If the vikings or the celtsor any other group feels they are being defamed I support them too. But at this time the only group being