Waitaminute Thatcard

"And he can write those characters even as he acts contrary to them—that just means that he’s is a good writer, not a good feminist."

I think Makoto's kinda of like Kimahri from FFX. You kind of make what you want out of her based on what skills you decide to keep. I ended up excising her physical skills all together, made her completely focus on Frei skills and Rakukaja. Not super flexible, but handy for those mini-bosses.

"Yusuke is an artist, which in this game’s shoddy translation, means he doesn’t use contractions when he speaks and talks about “beauty” a lot."

… Persona 5 is rated M.

I've noticed that. She is way cooler one-on-one.

Yeahhhhh, I can see that. I still consider it an indictment of the game's plot. I wouldn't ask them to rehash the Fight Your Own Shadow moments from the last game, but it is weird that the insights we do get are given to the mostly disposable villains. It does feel very monster-of-the-week anime, which… I guess I can

"I had heard that the protagonist was going to be a juvenile delinquent, so I was surprised when I found out his "crime" was stopping a rape in progress. I guess that is frowned on in Japan."

I know a lot of people are, rightly, ragging on the translation. But, honestly, I think the original script is open to criticism, too. The characters – at least in the first two months – just aren't real or interesting or consistent enough. I think it's totally fair to compare them to characters in Persona 4, since

Paying money for a horrible person to enjoy a night at the theatre.

I stopped playing Goddamn Nier a little while ago. I usually like games with rough edge, but just couldn't justifiy it anymore when there are good games with far fewer edges out there. Maybe one day, when I'm alone and dying, I'll come back to it, but for now, the soundtrack is just fine.

Really glad I came here hoping there'd be SaGa music, and found it. TIIIIGHTT.

Out of an episode with many heartbreaking moments, one of the most heartbreaking is when Blackadder, not unkindly, tells Baldrick to save his last plot for escape until “later.”