
Rope is helpful because if my Audi breaks down I can just hang myself.

You’re kinda being deliberately obtuse here. Asking for ID in order to provide a fundamental right, when you know that older people, poor people, and minorities are less likely to have the required ID is ageist, classist, and racist. Checking ID before entering a private club is a different thing, and you know it’s a

And that, my friends, is how you make a 1981 Dodge Colt worth $38.46.

I have conservative political leanings and even I think Fox News is 24 hours of bullshit.

Thank you, Tyler. It’s kinda lonely in the ‘sane people club’, innit?


VW is in fact the subject of an investigation that could lead to prosecutions.

I despise the suffix “gate” that’s added to stuff like this. Stop it.

It’s funny that car companies can actually kill their customers through negligence and not face any serious consequences but if you try to get around an emissions regulation it’s going to lead to probable criminal prosecution. This is the world we live in.

Superb write-up. As they tell you in corporate media-relations training, “Don’t screw up on a slow news day.” VW managed to do worse — they screwed up on a day when people are still massively pissed that no witch has as of yet been found at GM, so a VW witch will suffice in the meantime.

I’m sorry to inform you that you just cemented your fate as “Death by PT Cruiser”...

RIP. If I were ever struck and killed by a vehicle, for the love of all things automotive let it be anything but a late model Camry or Corolla.

I like to beat the ever loving crap out of my saturation slider, too.

Played it at a stand-up console just the other day. It’s still fun.

16 Working Valves

It’s like VW Vortex — in text message form!

I’m looking for an 11 valve two stroke wankel Miata, anyone know where I can get one?

Why do you hate freedom, bro?

I think the guy in the work truck is a dick too. I mean, if he wasn’t trying to judge and penalize the guy in the Camaro, maybe both of them could arrive safely where they wanted to be. Maybe the Camaro would in fact end up in a ditch a few miles lates, but still. Both of them are dicks.